momentum of reform中文什么意思

发音:   用"momentum of reform"造句
  • momentum:    n. (pl. momentums, ...
  • reform:    vt. 1.改革,改良,革新(制度、 ...
  • reform of:    改革英语教育学院
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  1. To increase the momentum of reform in the crucial fields , and to lay the foundations for the economic development system
  2. First , we were able to balance the momentum of reform and the speed of development against the people ' s resilience
  3. We should take into full consideration the momentum of reform , the speed of development and the sustainability of the general public
  4. We should take into full consideration the momentum of reform , the speed of development and the sustainability of the general public . continued improvement of people ' s lives must be regarded as an important link in balancing reform , development and stability
  5. How to use local condition and ecnomical dveloping and the elementary education , normal school in different regions increases the impact and momentum of reform , rationally transform and optimizes distribution of educational resources . increases the utilisation ratio of educational resourses , enhances the strengthen of running a school . on the basis of increasing running ratio of a school , with destination and polity , it is to promote the adjusting and improving the struture of education in normal school . to 2010 , completely fulfill the transition from normal school to normal college is the historical choice and the future ideal direction of the developing education of normal school


  1. momentum of cyclic motion 什么意思
  2. momentum of development 什么意思
  3. momentum of electromagnetic field 什么意思
  4. momentum of electromagnetic radiation 什么意思
  5. momentum of electron 什么意思
  6. momentum of system 什么意思
  7. momentum of the impact 什么意思
  8. momentum of the jet 什么意思
  9. momentum of waves 什么意思
  10. momentum operator 什么意思



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